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Jump into Pigment: Why I Want to be an Artist

Question: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Answer: Myself.

(Pictured left is my latest self portrait called, "The Puzzled Artist". Oil paint on puzzle pieces.)

I have created small get to know me bio explaining why I want to tread the hallowed road of the Master Artisans who have gone before me. What about art makes it so special, and what roads I could take to make it into the gallery's line up of blue chip artists.

Want to be a model? or Are you interested in commissioning a personalized painting? Contact me!

Don't forget to look for my blog post Searching for Significance. Just click on the link below. And Be well. xoxo.

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Apr 21, 2021

Hi Michelle, Really interesting listening to your little video introduction, also took me back in time, before I was medically retired I was a train driver on the Metropolitan Line which from your picture runs right behind where you live, who knows I may have even seen you!

Apr 24, 2021
Replying to

I've posted a few photos on Art and All that jazz and I've also sent you an email with links to some of my photos


Interesting Michelle, I didn't know you grew up here at Southwest! Your paintings and art look amazing and the story behind is quite interesting. I wonder how you are doing with your figure draw modeling class being in England, how does that work? Would you consider distance learning very difficult?

Michelle Rose
Michelle Rose
Mar 01, 2021
Replying to

Because I take the figure drawing class internationally, I arrange my own models instead of using the ones provided in the physical class.

If we where not in a pandemic, I would meet up with the models in a place they felt most comfortable. Wither that would be in my studio, their home, or a rented studio space. But, since we are, they model in their homes or designated space of comfort and I draw them in my studio via video chat cite they are most comfortable using.

During our sessions I take screen shots with their consent for reference and my more formal drawings. Modeling requires a lot of mental fortitude and strength to stay still in sometimes awkward…

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